A special thanks to my Seattle agency, TCM Models, for having me host an Instagram Live last Friday. I spoke about my recent blog post, “COVID-19: How You Can Support Yourself and Take Care of Others (Safely).” Wishing everyone a safe and healthy week ahead.
COVID-19: How You Can Support Yourself and Take Care Of Others (Safely)
March 25, 2020I want to preface by saying that I know everyone is experiencing some variant of difficulty right now – emotionally, physically, or financially – as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Whatever situation you’re find yourself in and however you may be feeling, just know, we’re all in this together. We all have the ability to do our part to flatten the curve and keep ourselves, our families, and our communities feeling supported and encouraged through this difficult time.
This one seems self-explanatory as physical activity (especially aerobic exercise) can reduce stress and boost your mood (#endorphins) – two essential things everyone could benefit from right now. In addition, improving your overall fitness can help keep your immune system in top shape.
If you aren’t showing signs of illness and haven’t been asked to quarantine yourself, you are likely still allowed to go outside. Whatever your outdoor activity of choice is, continue to practice social distancing.
For a comprehensive list of at-home workouts and streaming services, click HERE.
Call your grandparents, FaceTime a friend for coffee, host a virtual happy hour, text a friend to let them know you’re thinking of them. There are plenty of ways to stay connected digitally without potentially spreading the virus. Not only will these interactions benefit your own mental health, they can boost the mood of recipients making everyone feel less isolated.
Take a break
It’s easy to get sucked into the news cycle that inundates our televisions, smartphones, and social feeds 24/7. While it’s important to be informed and to check in daily for any changes or further precautions, if you find yourself feeling more anxious than empowered, take a break.
Let go of expectations
Coronavirus has dramatically changed everything, from how we do business to how we interact with our friends and loved ones — and that’s on top of the stress and uncertainty many of us are already feeling because of the pandemic itself. There’s no ‘right’ way to feel during a pandemic. Give yourself permission to feel what you feel (and without judgement) and know that everyone is experiencing fear and uncertainty in one way or another.
First and foremost, please listen to your local public health officials. There are now 17 states in the U.S. asking their residents to stay at home (the exception being essential services). Please reference your local news and the CDC or WHO regularly for COVID-19 updates. It is vital that we do our part to flatten the curve and implement the measures scientifically proven to combat this virus. Use all recommended precautions when assisting others.
Check on your neighbors
Call or text your neighbors and check in frequently (especially those who are high risk or elderly). If you’re going to the grocery store or pharmacy, ask if you can pick something up while out. You can leave items on their doorstep to maintain social distancing. Even a simple phone call can brighten someone’s day.
Make a donation
- All the panic buying has resulted in a decrease in food bank donations, many of which rely on grocery stores for supply. Please consider taking extra, non-perishable items to your local food bank.
- One of the unintended consequences of widespread social distancing is a rapid decline in blood donations. As long as you are healthy, this is still considered a safe activity. For more information, contact your local blood bank.
- There are many students who qualify for subsidized meals. With schools being shut down across the country, access to this necessary nutrition is extremely limited if not nonexistent. Reach out to your local school district to see how you can help hungry children and families in your area.
Support local businesses
Small businesses are hurting, and so are thousands of hourly workers who are finding themselves unemployed or earning drastically reduced wages. If you’re able, make it a point to (safely) support your locally owned businesses by ordering takeout or delivery from an area restaurant, buying a gift card to use in the future, shopping online from your favorite boutique, or donating to a relief fund for employees out of work.
Other ways you can help:
- Cook a meal or offer help to healthcare workers or other essential employees.
- It’s recommended that you have a two week to 30 day supply of non-perishable food and supplies at home. Do NOT hoard. Doing so has consequences for vulnerable and disadvantaged shoppers. (I.e. those who truly need specific items now, those without the luxury of ‘stocking up’ or shopping around at multiple retailers.)
- Information is power so when sharing news on digital platforms or with friends and family, make sure it’s from a reputable source. The less misinformation about the virus that’s spread, the more people will listen to legitimate advice from experts.
- Call or check the social media pages of your local homeless shelters, soup kitchens, hospitals, clinics, and community centers. Many places are running low on resources and could potentially need something you have an excess of.
- CDC: Get Your Household Ready For COVID-19
- Harvard: Coronavirus Resource Center
- The World Health Organization (WHO)
- Managing Stress and Anxiety during COVID-19 (CDC)
- Coronavirus Podcast Playlists: Manage Stress And Stay Informed (NPR)
Continue to practice proper hand hygiene, social distance when navigating essential public spaces, and take good care of yourself and those around you. Stay well, everyone!
Fit From Home: Online Workout Subscriptions To SURVIVE COVID19 Social Distancing
March 15, 2020Greetings from the epicenter of the U.S. Coronavirus outbreak, Seattle!
While many of us are stuck at home implementing and adjusting to the new reality of social distancing, there are still plenty of ways to stay fit. Below is a curated list of subscription services and free workouts encompassing everything from yoga to boot camp to keep you feeling strong and healthy despite the current circumstances.
Yoga With Adriene (full length and short yoga classes)
Blogilates (pilates and cardio workouts)
PopSugar Fitness (HIIT, dance cardio, strength training, yoga, pilates)
Fitness Blender (HIIT, cardio, total body)
Boho Beautiful (yoga, pilates)
Tone It Up (strength training, cardio, HIIT, yoga)
If I missed any subscription services or YouTube workouts you love, comment below!
In addition, please stay updated on any COVID19 related news and updates from science-based and/or credible public health resources like the World Health Organization and the Center for Disease Control. Irresponsible, anti-science rhetoric and misinformation is rampant right now. We have a responsibility to consume and share accurate information.
Presenting Matcha Dark Chocolate Rice Krispie Treats. A combination of three of my favorite things: matcha tea, dark chocolate, and vegan treats. Made with just 5 simple ingredients, these striking green-hued morsels are as delicious as they are beautiful. This recipe is vegan & gluten free.
- 4 tablespoons (1/4 cup) Earth Balance vegan butter
- 4 1/2 cups mini vegan marshmallows (Dandies)
- 6 1/2 cups crispy rice cereal
- 2 teaspoons matcha powder
- 1 cup dark chocolate chips melted (optional)

- In a large pan, melt Earth Balance, on a medium heat.
- Gently, using a spatula, fold in mini marshmallows. Mix well to combine.
- Add in crispy rice cereal, plus matcha and mix until the cereal is completely coated with the marshmallow mix.
- Using a spatula, add mixture to an 8 x 10” or 9 x 11″ baking pan. Press firmly using the back of a spatula to set in pan.
- Cool completely. Coat with melted chocolate chips if desired.
Notes: Recipe adapted from candicekumai.com. Ceramics by Yokky Wong for Lawrence & Scott.