Lifestyle #RunwayInjustice My Story CNNMoney recently released a five-part series titled “Runway Injustice” that delves into the transgressions of the modeling industry. As I read through each of the… May 17, 2016
Dessert, Food Chewy Chocolate Chip Banana Cookies If you’re looking to create a delicious, healthy treat then look no further! These Chewy Chocolate Chip Banana Cookies are the… January 21, 2016
Lifestyle Welcome! It’s finally here and I can’t be more excited to share with you my passion for healthy living, nutrition,… April 5, 2015
Dessert, Food, Snacks Delicious Chocolate Avocado Smoothie You can have your shake and drink it too! This creamy chocolate avocado smoothie concoction is a fantastic way… March 5, 2015